You can create your own symbol libraries using the Create New Library command in the Libraries menu. Choose the category to save your library in or create a new category.
You can create a sub-category inside the category you already have selected, or create a new category that is not inside any other by selecting the appropriate radio button.
You must enter a name for the new category before you can press the OK button.
Once you have selected a category and a library name, pressing OK from the Create dialog creates the new library, and if necessary the new category. This is reflected immediately in the Layout Explorer panel and the library is opened.
Your new library window, because it is empty, will show no buttons. You can add drawings to the new library by dragging them from layouts, other libraries, or by using the Add New Symbol command.
You can add supplemental (or credit) information to any library that you create. If a library has credits, a button appears at the bottom of the library window. You can define the text on that button and the message that appears when a user clicks on the button. Do this by selecting the Credits command from the Library menu. The Define Library Credits Dialog is displayed.
The text you enter in the Credit Button Label field will show in a new button that appears at the bottom of the library window.